The Standardization in the management of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, an administrative body of the Public Prosecutor’s Office
Public Prosecutor’s Office; Management; Standardization; Management body.Abstract
This article aims to discuss and demonstrate the need for management and standardization in the work of an administrative body, that is, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, under the effective management of an executive body, that is, the public prosecutor. The importance of the proposed implementation is reflected as a corollary of the principle of continuity of the public service and affirmation of the constitutional principles of legality, impersonality, morality, publicity and efficiency that must permeate each and every public service, all in line with the principles inherent to the Ministry Brazilian public, namely, unity,
indivisibility and functional independence. Therefore, it is recognized in the trajectory of the member of the institution from graduation to the career entry course, the absence of study and perspective of application of management within the Public Prosecutor’s Office. It should be noted that it is not a question of bureaucratizing activities, tasks and procedures, but rather organizing the routine and work in such a way that, when assuming a Public Prosecutor’s Office, you know what needs to be done and what path to follow. To this end, in addition to minimal standardization, permanent control by senior management and the National Council of the Public Prosecutor’s Office is required. This is the understanding of the institution as a single system that needs to function permanently, without any kind of discontinuity in the routine activities of the prosecution, the core body of the core activity. Thus, a minimally standardized and coordinated action is essential, aiming at fulfilling the purposes for which the institution was created: the defense of the legal order, the democratic regime and unavailable social and individual interests.
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