Resolute action of MP/TO for projects to develop the territory of Taquaruçu through tourism
Desenvolvimento, Território, MP Resolutivo, Turismo, TaquaruçuAbstract
The Brazilian Constitution determines that the Public Prosecutor's Office must be the guardian of democracy and the legal order, and the defender of fundamental rights and guarantees. Faced with a state captured by the neoliberal market that influences the conduct of the economy in such a way as to ensure minimal state action before private agents, the Public Prosecutor's Office initially specialized in the field of Public Civil Action to combat administrative improbity and corruption by public agents. Later on, the Public Prosecutor's Office began to use the judiciary power to protect social rights and fundamental guarantees, contributing to the phenomenon of the judicialization of rights. Due to the absence of an express provision of development as a right, there is no incentive on the part of the MP for public policies to guarantee territorial and regional development, which can be obtained through tourism in localities geared towards touristification. Thus, it is advocated that the Public Prosecutor's Office develop projects and programs in territories with such vocation, in its resolute action and according to the guidelines of the Charter of Brasilia and the UN Sustainable Development Goals so that the institution can act systemically in the pacification of conflicts between and within territories. Finally, we defend the action in the Taquaruçu district, located in the city of Palmas, state of Tocantins, for the advances already made in the tourist structuring of the territory and in the socioeconomic and environmental challenges that have already been diagnosed during the revision of the municipal master plan and in a project developed by Sebrae in partnership with AGTUR in the district.
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