Legality of the readjustment of political agents’ subsidies
Legality; , Readjustment; , Subsidies; , Political agents.Abstract
The discussion about the remuneration of public agents has always been, in our legal literature, a controversial topic. The objective of this article is to analyze the legality of the readjustment of political agents' subsidies. Therefore, doctrine and jurisprudence will be analyzed, since both still have discrepant points. The methodology is descriptive and relied on a bibliographical and jurisprudential survey. It was possible to conclude that when the fixing of the monthly subsidy is economically specified, as a matter expressly reserved to a specific law, the Federal Supreme Court does not have the competence to, through its own administrative act, provide for this matter. This time, considering that it is a purely administrative decision and, therefore, not having binding force, producing its effects only within the internal scope of the issuing body, it can, without a doubt, be changed in the light of new elements, not forgetting, however, to worrying, above all, due to the concrete effects and, we could even say erroneous, that this understanding is causing in the scope of Public Administration.
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