The experience of the public attorney of the state of tocantins with the use of Management Evaluation Models Gespública and MEG

path to institutional excellence


  • João Ricardo de Araújo Silva Ministério Público do estado do Tocantins
  • Wainesten Camargo da Silva Universidade Federal do Tocantins


Institutional excellence, governance, public Management, self-evaluation, attorney


The path to institutional excellence as a search for a positive image and the adoption of international standards of performance, these are challenges that apply to the Public Attorney of the State of Tocantins and to other Public Attorney in Brazil. This article highlights, according to Whiteley, Matias-Pereira, Bhatta, Lozano, Zavascki, Martins and Nardes, in addition to the referential contributions of the Federal Court of Auditors and the National Quality Foundation, the importance of using models of institutional excellence in the management and its correlation with the elements of public governance, through the theoretical framework and then qualitatively analyzes the application of these models in the Public Attorney of the State of Tocantins. The literature review also shows that institutional excellence models are widely used by public and private institutions in several countries, confirming the assertiveness of the choice of this model by the Public Attorney of the State of Tocantins and confirms the interdependence of the application of excellence models with Public Governance, especially with regard to leadership participation and planning and control requirements.


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