Reflections on The Contemporary Criminal Process: Real Truth Vs. Procedural Truth
verdade real versus verdade processual
Criminal Procedural Law; procedural truth; real truth.Abstract
This article addresses the contemporary criminal process, investigating the relationship between real truth and procedural truth. It focuses, initially, on the figure of the procedural subjects, with emphasis on the main subjects (accuser, defender and magistrate) and their role in the procedural scope. After that, some definitions of truth are discussed, especially the distinction between formal truth and real truth, emphasizing the anachronism of this differentiation, given the public character of the process, which grants the judge a more active posture in the production of evidence. By directing their allegations to the magistrate, the parties intend to convince him of their thesis and bring elements of conviction to the judge. In the search for truth, there are limits imposed by legal and constitutional rules that guarantee the fundamental rights of the accused. The prevailing truth in the process is a procedural truth, as it is established in the procedural context and can be achieved by possible, legitimate, and legally admissible evidential means.
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