The family good as an institutional guarantee for the promotion of the essential nucleus of the family entity
the fundamental social right to housing, indispensable to the dignity of the family unit
This article analyzes the institutional guarantee of the unseizability of the family property as a mechanism for the protection and dignity of the essential nucleus of the family entity. It is important to note that the family is the first social system responsible for transmitting values, beliefs, ideas and meanings that are present in societies. Due to the important social function, the family entity has the special protection of the State, including integrating the list of institutional guarantees of the Brazilian State. The family property was instituted to ensure the essential nucleus of the principle of the family, as it protects the existential minimum of the fundamental social right of the human person - the right to housing, an essentially social public order rule, indispensable to the maintenance and survival of the cell familiar. The national legal order provides for two types of family property. The first, called voluntary or conventional family property, instituted by public deed or inventory, disciplined in the Civil Code. The second is regulated in Law nº 8.009/90, named legal and involuntary family property, constituted by act of the State, with immediate effect, as long as it serves as a home for the family.
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