Parental Alienation in front of the Psychological and Legal universe


  • Laryssa Santos Machado Filgueira Paes MPTO


Parental Alienation is an intriguing topic due to its social importance, in this article will be exposed the duty of minimal intervention of the State in family relationships, along with the problem of parental alienation from its origin to the preventive and coercive means to resolve it. The main objective is to show that in addition to alienation being, by itself, an emotional abuse against the infant, it is configured as a disease that produces decisive effects on the parent alienated from the relationship. We will see that, if parental alienation is verified in the separation process or at any other time, the syndrome can be repelled and even not be installed in the child, so as to avoid future sequelae in adolescence or even adulthood, with a skew in the legal ornament that prohibits such conduct. The theme in society is little discussed because it is so painful, however it arouses great interest not only in the area of law, but also in the area of psychology. In this sense, it is proposed an analysis of the Parental Alienation Law No. 12,318/2010, which much more than describing rights and conducts, it provides for punishments to those responsible for the practice of acts.


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